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1-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500
501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000
1001-1100 1101-1200 1201-1300 1301-1400 1401-1500
1501-1600 1601-1700 1701-1800 1801-1900 1901-2000
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2501-2600 2601-2700 2701-2800 2801-2900 2901-3000
3001-3100 3101-3200 3201-3300 3301-3400 3401-3500
3501-3600 3601-3700 3701-3800 3801-3900 3901-4000
4001-4100 4101-4200 4201-4300 4301-4400 4401-4500
4501-4600 4601-1700 4701-4800 4801-4900 4901-5000
5001-5100 5101-5200 5201-5300 5301-5400 5401-5500
5501-5600 5601-5700 5701-5800 5801-5900 5901-6000
6001-6100 6101-6200 6201-6300 6301-6400 6401-6500
6501-6600 6601-6700 6701-6800 6801-6900 6901-7000
7001-7100 7101-7200 7201-7300 7301-7400 7401-7500
7501-7600 7601-7700 7701-7800 7801-7900 7901-8000
8001-8100 8101-8200 8201-8300 8301-8400 8401-8500
8501-8600 8601-8700 8701-8800 8801-8900 8901-9000
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� C&K Components
� California Micro Devices
� Carlingswitch
� Central Semiconductor
� CMD Technology
� Chicago Miniature
� Coiltronics
� Comlinear
� Cornell Dubilier
� Cosel
� Crydom
� Daewoo
� Dale
� Dallas Semiconductor
� Dense Pac
� Deutsch Components
� Dialight
� Diodes, Inc.
� Davicom
� Delevan
� Ecliptek
� Elna
� Epson
� Exar
� Elantec
� E Switch
� Electroswitch
� Elite Semiconductor
� Epcos
� Ericsson
� Erni Components
� Everlight
� Evox Rifa
� Excelight
� Fairchild
� Fox Crystals
� Framatome
� Fujitsu
� Fischer Connectors
� Fuji Electric
� Fujitsu Microelectronics
� Gennum
� Genesis Microchip
� General Semiconductor
� GE
� Goldstar
� Grayhill
� General Instruments
� Harris Semiconductor
� Harting
� Hewlett Packard
� Hitachi
� Honeywell
� Hamlin Switch
� Harwin
� Hirose
� Honda Connectors
� Hynix
� Hyundai
� Infineon
� International Rectifier
� Intersil
� Integrated Device Technology
� Illinois Capacitor
� Intel
� ITT Canon
� Inmos
� Integrity Technology
� International Semiconductor
� Integrated Circuit Technology
� Isocom
� Jaco
� JAE Electronics
� Jameco
� Johanson Dielectrics
� JW Miller
� Keystone
� Kilovac
� Kingbright
� Kemet
� Kings
� Koa Speer
� Kycon
� Kyocera
� Lattice
� LG Semicon
� Linear Technology
� Linfinity
� Lambda Electronics
� Ledtronics
� Lemo
� Level One
� LG Semicon
� Liteon
� Littelfuse
� Logic Devices
� LSI Logic
� Lucent Technologies
� Lumex
� Mallory
� Marshall
� Maxim
� Mepco
� Methode
� Micrel
� Microchip
� Micro Crystal
� Micro Electronics
� Micro Linear
� Micron
� Microsemi
� Micro Switch
� Micro Power Systems
� Mill Max
� Midcom
� Mil Spec
� Mitel
� Mitsubishi
� Mini Circuits
� Molex
� Monolithic
� Mosel
� Motorola
� Murata Erie
� Macronix
� Magnecraft/Struthers Dunn
� Marcon
� Matra Harris
� Matsushita
� Maxconn
� Maxi Switch
� Monolithic Memories
� Mosaic Semiconductor
� Mospec
� Mostek
� M Tron
� MX Com
� National Semiconductor
� Nichicon
� NCR Semiconductor
� NDK America
� Nemco
� New Japan Radio
� Newport Semiconductor
� NIC Components
� Novacap
� On Semiconductor
� Optek
� Oak Technology
� Ohmite
� Ohmtek
� Omron
� Osram
� Panasonic
� Pancon
� Panduit
� Papst
� Performance
� Philips
� Plessey
� Potter Brumfield
� Paradigm
� Pericom
� Perkinelmer Optoelectronics
� Phoenix Contact
� Pico Electronics
� PMC Sierra
� Power Trends
� Protek
� Power Semiconductor
� Power Trend
� Powerex
� Power Convertibles
� Phycomp
� Power Semiconductor
� Pulse Engineering
� Power One
� Powell
� Power Dynamics
� Powerex
� Precision Monolithic
� Pulse
� QT Optoelectronic
� QTC Components
� Qualcomm
� Quicklogic
� Quality Semiconductor
� Ramtron
� Raychem
� Raytheon
� Ricoh
� Robinson Nugent
� Rockwell
� Rohm
� Radiall
� Radisys
� Raltron
� Renasas
� Reptron
� RF Micro Devices
� RF Monolithics
� RG Allen
� Richco
� Rifa
� Rochester
� Roederstein Electronics
� Rubycon
� Samsung
� San Fernando
� Sangamo
� Sanyo
� SEEQ Technology
� Sharp
� Siemens
� Sierra
� Signetics
� Silicon General
� Silicon Image
� Silicon Storage
� Siliconix
� Silicon Systems Inc
� Sipex
� Solid State Scientific
� Sony
� Sprague
� Sprague Goodman
� Standard Microsystems
� ST Micro Electronics
� Switchcraft
� Synertek
� S3
� Samtec
� Sanken
� Schott
� Schrack Components
� Schurter
� Seiko
� Semtech
� Shindengen
� Silicon Storage Technology
� Simtek
� Smart Modular
� Standard Microsystems
� Stanley
� Supertex
� Symbios Logic
� Synergy
� Taiyo Yuden
� Tantalum Capacitors
� Teccor
� Technology
� Teledyne
� Temic
� Texas Instruments
� Thomas & Betts
� Thomson
� Toko
� Toshiba
� TRW Cinch
� T & B Ansley
� TB Ansley
� Telefunken
� Thermalloy
� Three Five Systems
� Tokin America
� Tyco
� United Chemicon
� Unitrode
� Vishay
� Vitalic
� Vitramon
� VLSI Microsystems
� Vantis
� Vikay America
� Winbond
� Waferscale
� Waldom
� Western Digital
� Wima
� Winchester
� Xicor
� Xilinx
� Xicon
� Yageo
� Yamaha Electronics
� Zarlink
� Zetex
� Zilog