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IC-ASAP sells the following: � Integrated Circuits
� Aavid � Abracon � Actel � Advanced Micro Devices � ADI � Advanced Analog � Advanced Semiconductor � Aerovox � AMD � Agilent � Alco � Allegro � Allen Bradley � Alliance Semiconductor � Allied � Altech � Altera � American Zettler � AMI � AMP � Amphenol � Analog Devices � Arco � Aromat � AT+T � Atmel � Avasem � AB Connectors � AEG � AKM Semiconductor � Alco Switch � AMCC � American Microsemiconductor � Arcotronics � Artesyn Technologies � Austin Semiconductor � Augat � BC Components � Beckman � Bendix � Berg � BI Technologies � Bourns � Broadcom � Brooktree � Burndy � Burr Brown � Bussmann � Bel Fuse � Benchmarq � Bulgin � C&D � Cal Chip � California Micro Device � Cambion � Catalyst Semiconductor � Centralab � Cherry � Central Semiconductor � Chips &Technology � Cinch � Cirrus Logic � Conexant � Cornell Dubilier � CP Clare � Crystal Semiconductor � CTS � Cypress � Cyrix � C&K Components � California Micro Devices � Carlingswitch � Central Semiconductor � CMD Technology � Chicago Miniature � Coiltronics � Comlinear � Cornell Dubilier � Cosel � Crydom � Daewoo � Dale � Dallas Semiconductor � Dense Pac � Deutsch Components � Dialight � DRAM � Diodes, Inc. � Davicom � Delevan � Ecliptek � Elna � Epson � Exar � Elantec � E Switch � Electroswitch � Elite Semiconductor � Epcos � Ericsson � Erni Components � Everlight � Evox Rifa � Excelight � Fairchild � FASL � Fox Crystals � Framatome � Fujitsu � Fischer Connectors � Fuji Electric � Fujitsu Microelectronics � Gennum � Genesis Microchip � General Semiconductor � GE � Goldstar � GTE � Grayhill � General Instruments � Harris Semiconductor � Harting � Hewlett Packard � Hitachi � Honeywell |
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� Power Trends � Protek � Power Semiconductor � PMI � Power Trend � Powerex � Power Convertibles � Phycomp � Power Semiconductor � Pulse Engineering � Power One � Powell � Power Dynamics � Powerex � Precision Monolithic � Pulse � QT Optoelectronic � QTC Components � Qualcomm � Quicklogic � Quality Semiconductor � Ramtron � Raychem � Raytheon � RCA � Ricoh � Robinson Nugent � Rockwell � Rohm � Radiall � Radisys � Raltron � Renasas � Reptron � RF Micro Devices � RF Monolithics � RG Allen � Richco � Rifa � Rochester � Roederstein Electronics � Rubycon � Samsung � San Fernando � Sangamo � Sanyo � SEEQ Technology � SGS � Sharp � Siemens � Sierra � Signetics � Silicon General � Silicon Image � Silicon Storage � Siliconix � Silicon Systems Inc � Sipex � Solid State Scientific � Sony � Sprague � SRAM � Sprague Goodman � Standard Microsystems � ST Micro Electronics � Switchcraft � Synertek � S3 � Samtec � Sanken � Schott � Schrack Components � Schurter � Seiko � Semtech � Shindengen � Silicon Storage Technology � Simtek � Smart Modular � SMC � Standard Microsystems � Stanley � Supertex � Symbios Logic � Synergy � Taiyo Yuden � Tantalum Capacitors � TDK � Teccor � Technology � Teledyne � Temic � Texas Instruments � Thomas & Betts � Thomson � Toko � Toshiba � TRW � TRW Cinch � T & B Ansley � TB Ansley � Telefunken � Thermalloy � Three Five Systems � Tokin America � Tyco � UMC � United Chemicon � Unitrode � Vishay � Vitalic � Vitramon � VLSI Microsystems � Vantis � Vikay America � Winbond � Waferscale � Waldom � Western Digital � Wima � Winchester � Xicor � Xilinx � Xicon � Yageo � Yamaha Electronics � Zarlink � Zetex � Zilog |